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web996his360 發表於 2018-12-12 07:11 PM

An Easy Question For You! How to order..?

本帖最後由 web996his360 於 2018-12-12 07:11 PM 編輯

Ciao friends! it's been forever posing nothing here,
got a question of kindergarten level as to how to properly say as ordering something,

really quick, is it okay by saying 'Could I have a set no.1' as I am ordering in Mcdonald's?

meaning I'd like to have that set meal of burger, fries, drink and something like that..

thanks in advance! have a good day : ))

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pop00123 發表於 2018-12-13 11:44 PM

Hi web99,
Yes, you can say that. That'll get you what you want.
You can also say: "Can I get a No.1 meal?  
Or simply, "Can I get a No.1, please?"

it's been forever posing nothing here --> It's been forever since I posted something here.got a question of kindergarten level as to how to properly say as ordering something,
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22423090 發表於 2018-12-15 08:16 PM

直接講幾號餐是完全可以的,外國人也很多是這樣講  尤其是這種速食店一定就是要讓你快速方便點餐

pop00123 發表於 2018-12-16 04:18 PM

本帖最後由 pop00123 於 2018-12-16 10:53 PM 編輯

Yes, it takes time to understand how to use prepositions properly.

>I dunno why the preposition is 'with' instead of 'of' a burger and some fries.. I mean like 'Including'?

With=comes with

(O) Fried rice with eggs
(X) Fried rice of eggs

(O) T-shirt with red dots
(X) T-shirt of red dots

(O) I want a meal with a burger and fries
(X) I want a meal of a burger and fries
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