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liouxx 發表於 2019-4-20 10:30 AM


One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one went to school
or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to
the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.

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antonius 發表於 2019-7-4 08:45 AM

這個應該是私人文件吧? 有人英文這樣寫的嗎?


aocaoc 發表於 2019-7-5 05:06 PM


roychang1210 發表於 2019-10-4 09:00 PM

這段英文文法怪怪的,子句不對稱,有介系詞卻沒受詞,而去接了副詞? 看起來好像是中文拿去給google翻譯出來的。

bjl1212 發表於 2019-11-25 07:10 PM


kingpopo0505 發表於 2019-12-13 11:25 PM

One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.
這句子用了Because of兩個連接句子,這在翻譯上會將最初始的來源倒裝,因為他一開始強調的是最後的because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system. 所以這段句子是整段文字最開始的原由,因為(正如)"什麼什麼”,同樣(和)”什麼什麼”,第二個同樣就是第一句的because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as,最後的結語One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist就是一開始的主要結論,因為A + because of B就是:一個因為B的原因發生了A的結尾,主要解析是這樣。...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

ohmoto_tw 發表於 2019-12-18 09:04 AM

本帖最後由 ohmoto_tw 於 2019-12-18 09:09 AM 編輯


One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of XXX

XXX =  "where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system."

where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of YYY

YYY = "a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system."
YYY: 早期就有對化學的邏輯或是對人類神經系統的美,有引人注目的反應
XXX: 她念的學校或是他正好經歷了 YYY


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avontube 發表於 2021-3-21 11:31 PM

I would only guess that, the sentence can be extracted from a research paper, which was written by a person who badly needs an English editing service.

eynyeee 發表於 2022-1-24 03:37 PM

前面大大有說過 沒有對稱

as easy as
as easily as  第一句後面接 become   第二次出現 後面接上 because of   

其實 整個看起來怪怪的  我不是那個領域的  也不是外國人  但是我覺得 那句怪怪的 where  的用法也奇怪  

這可能是學術論文出來的 但是寫的人 就不知道是什麼等級了!  我也是長知識了!

stationaryery 發表於 2022-3-12 09:19 PM

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