查看完整版本: 馬克思
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z8fir 發表於 2010-2-28 04:12 PM


"馬克思講過, 當我地擁有"rights" (權利), 我地會驚人地侵害自己既權利, 而形成對彼此有敵對既關係, 人同人之間會變得疏離, 做唔到互相幫助,和平共處(得不到人性解放).
我想問下,咁係咪即係馬克思反對我地持有"權利"?? "

Rights involves legal recgonition. In a Communist State, no law is required. Therefore, there is no need to have "right".
What you guys think?<div></div>

gaarakazekage 發表於 2010-3-2 07:10 AM

So in a Communist world, every individuals in a nation is linked to one another to form a single enity?
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