查看完整版本: 香港真是美麗
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Iron-Kingdom 發表於 2011-1-24 06:33 PM


香港真是美麗 煎沙嘴和銅鑼灣的小吃讓人百吃不驗 高樓大廈給人熱鬧的活力 真不愧為經濟中心 以吼一定要在那裡買棟房子  好像很貴吼= ={:1_newbiggrin:}<div></div>

Geniussmart03 發表於 2013-7-24 03:32 PM

Of course the places in hong kong are quite good
but hk is small

Queenie0112 發表於 2013-7-24 08:31 PM

HK is a gorgeous place.  I've been there more than 10 times.  Everytimes I go there, I always find something different to enjoy.  
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