查看完整版本: 為什麼婚戒要帶在無名指上
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吳忠龍 發表於 2011-2-17 08:14 PM


請照著步驟做,你會發現上天造人的奧妙 (Pls follow the below step, really god make this a miracle)
(Firstly, show your palm, centre finger bend and
put together back to back).
(Secondly, the rest 4 fingers tips to tips).

(Games begin, follow the below arrangement, 5 finger but only 1 pair can split).4、請張開你們那對大母指,大母指代表我們的父母,能夠張開,每個人都會有生老病死,父母也會有一天離我們而去。
(Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent parents, it can be open cause all human does go thru sick and dead.  Which is our parents will leave us one day).
(Pls close up your thumb, then open your second finger, the finger represent brothers and sisters, they do have their own family which is too they will leave us too).
(Now close up your second finger, open up your litter finer, this represent your children.  Sooner or later they too will leave us for they got they own living to live)7、那麼,請大家合上小母指,再試著張開無名指。這個時候,大家會驚奇的發現無名指怎麼也張不開,因為無名指代表夫妻,是一輩子不分離的。
(Nevertheless, close up your litter finer, try to open your further finger which we put our wedding ring, you will be surprise to find that it cannot be open at all.  Because it represent husband and wife, this whole life you will be attach to each other).
真正的愛,粘在一起後,是永生永世都分不開的。(Real love will stick together ever and forever)
大姆指代表父母 (Thumb represent parents)食指代表兄弟 (Second finger represent brothers & sisters)中指代表自己 (Centre finger represent own self)無名指代表配偶 (Fourth finger represent your partner)小指代表子女 (Last finger represent your children)...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>

crazycrazybun 發表於 2011-3-29 09:26 PM

好神奇啊~ thanks for sharing!

se0075566 發表於 2023-9-23 04:38 PM

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