
標題: [疑似隱瞞疫情、廣州歧視黑人引反彈 《華盛頓郵報》:全球不只川普嗆中國][風傳媒][2020 [打印本頁]

作者: joey213213    時間: 2020-4-15 09:04 AM     標題: [疑似隱瞞疫情、廣州歧視黑人引反彈 《華盛頓郵報》:全球不只川普嗆中國][風傳媒][2020

[疑似隱瞞疫情、廣州歧視黑人引反彈 《華盛頓郵報》:全球不只川普嗆中國][風傳媒][2020年04月15日]

武漢肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情肆虐全球,美國總統川普先是指責中國隱瞞疫情,之後再抨擊世界衛生組織「以中國為中心」,揚言暫停提供經費給世界衛生組織,而《華盛頓郵報》時事評論員沙洛爾(Ishaan Tharoor)14日撰文指出,並非只有川普不滿中國,部分國家的國族主義政治人物也跟著撻伐中國,近期更因廣州歧視非洲人,點燃非洲國家怒火。


對於美國的指責,中國不甘示弱回嗆,同時想藉由「軟實力」,把自己塑造成抗疫成功的範本,以及向各國伸出援手的負責任國家,沙格爾則稱:「不是只有美國質疑中國作為。」德國外長馬斯(Heiko Maas)10日接受德國周刊《明鏡》(Der Spiegel)訪問時直言,中國不應把專制執行封城當成正確做法,「顯然這樣的說法(封城)奏效,我只能警告別輕易受騙」。


立場極右的義大利前副總理薩爾維尼(Matteo Salvini)則指控,中國製造新型病毒,並散布至世界各地,「若中國政府知道病毒,卻沒公布,就犯下違反人類罪」,但他的指控缺乏證據。同屬極右派的巴西總統博索納羅(Jair Bolsonaro)兒子愛德華多(Eduardo Bolsonaro)推文痛批,疫情爆發全是中國的錯,「中國共產黨要為全球疫情大爆發負責」。

巴西教育部長溫特勞布(Abraham Weintraub)隨後加入戰局,暗批中國藉由散布病毒,達到支配全球的目的。此外,非洲人在中國廣州流落街頭,被拒絕進入酒吧和餐廳,甚至被迫隔離在住處的影片在社群平台上廣傳,掀起中國排外、歧視非洲人爭議,「中國當局的行為引起非洲國家反彈,這讓中國相當難堪,試圖透過承諾貸款和投資來安撫非洲國家」。

It’s not just Trump who’s angry at China By Ishaan Tharoor

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In Washington, it’s politically expedient to point a finger at China. Though President Trump has softened his rhetoric about Beijing’s initial concealing of the novel coronavirus that then sparked a global pandemic, he is now directing his scorn at the World Health Organization for the U.N. body’s role in praising China’s handling of the crisis and endorsing a narrative of the outbreak’s spread that suited the Chinese regime.

Blaming China and international agencies helps Trump obscure the evidence of his administration’s early failures to prepare for the virus’s spread through the United States — preparations that could have saved lives.

For hawks in Congress, the pandemic has provided epochal proof of China’s perfidy and alleged dishonesty. Bipartisan anti-China bills are circulating, including one condemning Chinese censorship and blaming Beijing for the spread of the virus and another that demands China shut down its wet markets (where the disease is thought to have emerged from animal-to-human transmission). The most vociferous anti-Beijing voices are pressing for measures to decouple the two nations’ economies and sharpen the lines of geopolitical confrontation. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) declared over the weekend that it’s time “to quarantine China from the civilized world.”

Chinese officials and the country’s state-controlled media launched a counteroffensive, aggressively pushing back against foreign criticism while proliferating conspiracy theories that alleged a U.S. origin to the virus. At the same time, Chinese authorities see the pandemic as a vehicle with which to exercise their fledgling soft power, offering its experience in curtailing the spread of the virus as a model for others and casting itself as a benign global actor eager to come to the rest of the world’s rescue.

But it’s not just the Americans who have their doubts about Beijing’s approach. “It is obvious that such narratives are being worked on,” said German foreign minister Heiko Maas in an interview with Der Spiegel last week. “But I can only warn against anyone falling for it."

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Throughout the world, various governments and politicians have directly challenged China or are now more wary of engagement with its regime.

The pandemic has prompted Britain’s two main spy agencies to reportedly warn the government about Beijing’s assertive behavior and call for tighter control of Britain’s digital communications and artificial intelligence industries.

As part of its coronavirus stimulus, the Japanese government allocated at least $2 billion to encourage its companies to shift production supply chains out of China. Meanwhile, both Taiwan and Vietnam have undercut Beijing’s coronavirus diplomacy, dispatching their own shipments of medical aid to beleaguered countries in the West.

In some places, nationalist politicos are echoing American grievances. Some officials in India’s ruling BJP party — and their legion of online supporters — have embraced the stigmatizing rhetoric of the “Chinese” or “Wuhan” virus popular in America’s right-wing media sphere.

As part of his own feuds with rival factions in Rome, Matteo Salvini, the far-right Italian leader, scoffed at Chinese offers of assistance and accused Chinese authorities of engineering new viruses in their laboratories to spring on the world, a claim that has no evidence. “If the Chinese government knew [about the virus] and didn’t tell it publicly, it committed a crime against humanity,” Salvini said during a debate last month.

Allies of far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro — another leader accused of bungling his country’s response to the pandemic — have sought to turn media attention east. “It’s China’s fault,” Eduardo Bolsonaro, one of the president’s sons, tweeted last month, while retweeting a message that said: “The blame for the global coronavirus pandemic has a name and surname: the Chinese Communist Party.”

The tweet drew a tough response from the Chinese Embassy in Brasilia, which demanded an apology for the “evil insult” and suggested the president’s son had contracted a “mental virus.” But there was more to come.

Last week, Brazil’s education minister Abraham Weintraub, who, unlike some other cabinet-level officials, remains staunchly loyal to the president, warned of Beijing manipulating the crisis to its advantage. “Geopolitically, who will come out stronger from this global crisis?” he wrote in a tweet that was later deleted, which in its original Portuguese replaced the “r” in “Brazil” with an “l” — an apparent mockery of a Chinese accent. “Who in Brazil is allied with this infallible plan for world domination?”

Chinese officials once more protested, aggrieved by Weintraub’s perceived racism. But it is actions in China that have governments in Africa accusing Beijing of xenophobia. Social media was agog over the weekend with footage of African expatriates living in China’s major cities — particularly Guangzhou, a southern metropolis with possibly the biggest African diaspora in Asia — sleeping on sidewalks or huddled outside the buildings from which they had been arbitrarily evicted by authorities.

An intensifying nationalist climate within China has also led to reports of foreigners, especially Africans, being refused entry at bars and restaurants or forcibly quarantined in their apartments, even if they haven’t traveled anywhere where they would have contracted the virus.

“The Chinese authorities’ actions triggered protests from African governments — an embarrassment for Beijing as it seeks to woo African states with promises of loans and investment — and prompted U.S. diplomats over the weekend to warn African Americans to avoid the Guangzhou area,” noted my colleague Anna Fifield.

作者: maddux4607    時間: 2020-4-15 07:30 PM

作者: 阿拉丁    時間: 2020-4-15 08:02 PM

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作者: LAISTEVEN1106    時間: 2020-4-15 08:04 PM

作者: winter070    時間: 2020-4-15 08:26 PM



作者: zogol    時間: 2020-4-15 09:38 PM


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