
結果: 找到 「ptch」 相關內容 2 個

  • Kohana Captcha module - securimage

    0 個評論 - 9 次查看 - 0 熱度

    Well...Maybe it's an unnecessary library in Kohana,but I still try to make it be module. The original source from http://www.phpca ptch a.org/,so It's GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 呃…或許這個模組在Kohana是多餘的,但是我還是把他做出來了= =,他一 ...

    2010-1-17 05:38 PM - qprcjujv

  • Open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script

    0 個評論 - 21 次查看 - 0 熱度

    The library bug had be find by Tongshuai .It's seem because SESSION problem in different CI version.If you got the same trouble,you can try the solution that Tongshuai's comment (2009-04-24) 由網友Tongshuai測試之後發現有BUG,似乎是SESSION部分出了一些問 ...

    2010-1-17 01:19 PM - qprcjujv
